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Showing posts from March, 2013

How To Remove The Sealant From Your Pavers

Most homeowners understand that when pavers are used outdoors they need to seal them in order to protect them from the affects of weathering and other damage. If you are inexperienced with sealing stone, however, it can be very easy to make mistakes that leave a visible layer on top of your pavers. You will need to remove this and start over again. Step 1: Apply a generous layer of paint stripper to a small section of the pavers using a pump sprayer. If you want, test the solution on an inconspicuous area to make sure that it is safe. Step 2: Leave the stripper to sit for about three minutes so that it can begin to eat through the sealant. You should begin to notice the coating slowly returning to its liquid state. Step 3: Take an old rag and use it to wipe away the dissolved sealant and the paint stripper. Make sure that you throw the rag away, as the stripper is full of toxic chemicals. Step 4: Rinse your pavers with running water (the garden hose works great) to re